Monday, 9 December 2013

Best Diet for a Cold

The other top priority is to get lots of vitamins and minerals. These will help your body to fight the disease due to their affect on the immune method, and vitamin C can help boost the immune method and help you get healthier, though all of the vitamins play some role here, as do antioxidants which are also known to help boost the immune method. Something like an orange contains high quantities of vitamin C and is also soft (great for a sore throat) and refreshing. However the acidity could be a bit much for some people to handle when they are feeling ill, so a vitamin supplement can be a great way to get the vitamins without having to eat anything heavy or citrus-y when you are ill. Another great way to get your vitamins and minerals is to have a smoothy by putting lots of different fruits high in vitamin C in to a blender and then drinking them together. Similarly you can make a soup this way such as a tomato soup which will also have the added benefit of being warming and soothing for your throat.

Another point to think about when you have a chilled or flu is that a fever can make you sweat a lot. As mentioned this can dehydrate you, but another issue it may cause is that you lose lots of your body salts which are important for your health usually. This can get replaced with anything salty, and it does not hurt to add a tiny additional salt to your soup and other foods. Similarly this will mean that you require to replenish your sugar , and you can get this from a sugary tea. The fact that your body is fighting a disease is that might sound dramatic, but this is fitting for what is actually going on inside you, and like any taxing work this means your body requires energy which it can get from carbs. Slow release carbs are the most effective here as they will avoid the spike and trough in energy that comes from using fast release carbs (these are also often called complex and simple carbs respectively). Complex carbs involve things such as bread, pasta and rice, whereas your simple carbs are things like cake and sweets.

Regrettably, while your body will require all of these things to actively fight your condition, the temptation will regularly be to keep away from eating anything at all. This will be partly because the fever can make you feel sick and ruin your appetite, but also because of your sore throat that will make swallowing impossible. In order to get around this then you ought to try to get your diet to focus on foods that digest basically and that are smooth to go down your throat. The aforementioned smoothies and soups can be great for this purpose and in case you avoid anything acidic or alkaline that can upset the acidity of your stomach. Other great foods for a sore throat however are things like ice cream and yogurt that will slip down your throat. Honey is useful as it can not only go down basically, but also leave a narrow coating on your throat in order to prevent it from feeling sorer over time. Bread meanwhile, in case you buy (or make) the right kind is also nourishing while being soft when you swallow it and dry meaning it is unlikely to upset your stomach.

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