Monday, 9 December 2013

Fighting Swine Flu

Fighting Swine Flu: Immune Strengthening Foods

So why are people always panicking nowadays? Oh yeah, the swine flu, you canâ??t turn on the TV or radio and not listen to about this issue. Since there arenâ??t any vaccines or stopping medicines out, how would you defend from the swine flu? Well simple thing that you can do is strengthen your immune process in order to diminish your chances of contracting this flu. The things you ought to start doing right away are: washing your hands often, eating a healthy diet, and getting plenty of rest, fundamentally whatever your mom told you to do when you were a child.

You can also take vitamins that you can get at your local drugstore. Because vitamin C is an antiviral and an antioxidant, it helps to protect your cells from viruses and chemical stress. Vitamin A also helps to boost immune process but is often neglected by people. Research can confirm that viruses and bacteria does lower the levels of vitamin A within a human. So receive a sufficient amount of vitamin A also, but much of it can become poisonous.

Try not to stress out often also, because studies show that stress puts plenty of strain on your immune process making you more vulnerable to this flu. You ought to do more of things that help relax yourself and get plenty of sleep. Things in your diet can stress the immune process also like sugars, and refined flours. So try avoiding consuming much oils and fatty foods in your diet. Eat more vegetables and fruits as these give you tons of vitamin C, which helps to boost your immune process.

Because of the media spreading the knowledge of swine flu, plenty of people are panicking on what to do. So first things first, do not panic, it is the last thing you need to do. The swine flu has been blown way out of proportion, because 250,000-500,000 people die from the regular flu every year. If this flu does become widespread I would recommend that you do not depend on vaccines, because vaccines can actually give you the issue in lieu of stopping it. very great way of defending off the swine flu would be to stay healthy!

Stopping Swine Flu

Every day chew on 2-5 cloves of raw garlic, as this help strengthen your immune process and protects you from pathogens such as the flu. You can chew the garlic with some water in your mouth and swallow after.

Consume plenty of vitamin C! You ought to consume around 6-12 grams of vitamins C because this also helps to strengthen your immune process and prevent viruses from entering your body. Eat plenty of oranges and drink plenty of 100% juices to get plenty of vitamin C. You can also receive a juicing machine and start blending up fresh fruits and vegetables in order to give your body all the nutrients that it needs.

Always keep your body tidy and free from disagreeable substances. So when you shower, wash your body thoroughly. Also keep washing your hands often with plenty of anti-bacterial soaps.

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